Pearl Kashan Area Rug

Our stunning Kashan design Handmade Kashmir Silk rug has vibrant colors like Red, Royal Blue and tings of green that are dominant in it. It is very intricately woven and it has taken 4 months to weave this rug by our skilled artisans.

Pearl Kashan Area Rug

Our stunning Kashan design Handmade Kashmir Silk rug has vibrant colors like Red, Royal Blue and tings of green that are dominant in it. It is very intricately woven and it has taken 4 months to weave this rug by our skilled artisans.
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Rug Size Guide
Handmade in Kashmir
Kashmir Silk
2'.8 x 4'.1 ft / 82cm x 123cm
Estimated Delivery by May 13th, 2024
Pearl Kashan Area Rug is available to buy in increments of 1
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Pearl Kashan Rug

- Beautifully designed and lovingly handwoven, Rugsandbeyond rug. - Kashan is an intricate design and requires great craftsmanship. - This is a Handmade Kashmir Pure Silk on Silk rug. - This rug is Handmade in silk base and has pure Silk on top. - This rug has 576 knots per square inch. - It has a triple layered border with intricately woven design. - The design is originated from a town in Persia called Kashan and is a reminiscent of a Mughal pattern. - It has taken 4 months to weave this rug. - Primary colors are Red, Royal Blue and tinges of Green. - Rug Material: 100% Pure silk - Weft- Pure Silk - Warp- Pure Silk - Back looks just like front due to the intricacy of craftsmanship and fineness. - Shape: Rectangle - Design Origination: Persia - Pile Height: low pile ( For adding strength to this carpet) - Rug Construction: Handmade - Construction Technique: Hand-knotted - Décor Style: Traditional / Persian / Oriental - Indoor/Outdoor Use: Indoor - Care and Cleaning: Vacuum / Hand-washable / Professional Cleaning Regularly - Pattern: Kashan - Color Combination: Blue, Red - Main Color- Blue - Process Duration: Approx. 3-4 months - Number of knots : Approx. 324 knots per square inch You will receive the same, exact Rug as seen in the image Clean & Care:
Vacuum regularly in the direction of the pile. To clean the liquid spills, use a damp cloth or sponge immediately. It is recommended to have professional rug cleaning for the hard to remove stains. Avoid direct and continuous exposure to sunlight for longer periods. All of our rugs are professionally washed and are individually inspected before leaving our warehouse. This rug is currently in stock and includes FREE shipping worldwide. Please Note:
We try our best to display the most accurate images. If there is a slight variation in color, it might be due to differences in computer monitors. Please note that lengths and widths may slightly vary from published dimensions although we strive to provide the accurate measurements possible.
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Why we love this?

Exclusive to Rugs and Beyond : With its detailed motifs and apparent abrash—the color variations common to hand-dyed, hand-knotted rugs—this floor covering resembles a family heirloom. Yet it's actually made of soft, durable, and easy-to-clean nylon. A rug pad is recommended to extend the life of your rug and keep it securely in place.

Weavers Story

A synergy of nature and craft, the refined textures of our rugs are elevated by the raw materials we choose. We only use wool from high on the Tibetan plateau, wool so rich in natural lanolin that it is oily to touch.

Our spinners, weavers and dyers handling it with reverence to retain its extraordinary properties.

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Weaver's Story
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